Overwhelmed by School Apps? How SOLVED Is Streamlining Parental Engagement

minute read
September 26, 2024

As a parent of a sixth grader starting middle school, I recently embarked on a new journey filled with both excitement and apprehension. Middle school is a pivotal time for children—they meet new friends from various elementary schools, navigate the complexities of adolescence, and face social pressures amplified by social media. Naturally, I worry about my child's transition into this new environment.

Walking into the school office eager to support my child, I was handed a list of apps to download:

  • Canvas for grades.
  • Google Classroom for assignments.
  • ClassDojo for behavior updates.
  • Remind for messages and reminders.
  • Gmail, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides for various tasks.
  • Khan Academy and IXL for math practice.
  • Kahoot and EdPuzzle for classroom engagement.
  • Zoom for virtual meetings.
  • ID Scanning App for daily check-ins.
  • Bus Monitoring App for transportation updates.

Additionally, I was told to regularly check the school's website for calendars and announcements, join the Facebook Group for community news, and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for videos.

My head was spinning. Managing multiple apps with different logins, passwords, and platforms felt overwhelming. I found myself questioning:

  • How will I keep track of all these platforms?
  • What if I miss an important update because it was posted on an app I didn't check?
  • Why isn't there a centralized place for all this information?

The Challenge of Fragmented School Communication

This experience isn't unique to me. Many parents face the daunting task of navigating a fragmented communication system within schools. According to Goodall and Montgomery (2014), effective parental engagement requires clear and consistent communication channels. When information is scattered across multiple platforms, it hinders parents' ability to stay informed and involved in their child's education.

The Impact on Parental Involvement

Research shows that parental involvement is crucial for student success. Henderson and Mapp (2002) found that strong family-school partnerships lead to higher academic achievement and improved student behavior. However, the fragmentation of communication tools can create barriers to such involvement.

Thompson, Mazer, and Grady (2015) emphasize that utilizing communication technology effectively enhances parental involvement and positively impacts student outcomes. Yet, when schools rely on too many apps and platforms, it can have the opposite effect—leaving parents confused and disengaged.

The Need for a Unified Solution

As a parent, I want:

  • One centralized app where I can access all my child's information.
  • Real-time updates on grades, assignments, and behavior.
  • Simplified communication with teachers and staff.
  • Access to school calendars, events, and announcements in one place.
  • A platform to view my child's work and progress, fostering meaningful conversations at home.

Epstein (1995) highlights the importance of schools facilitating clear communication to foster strong partnerships with families. A unified platform can bridge the gap between schools and parents, enhancing engagement and supporting student success.

Why is a unified school app important for parental engagement? A unified school app centralizes communication, allowing parents to access grades, assignments, behavior updates, and messages from teachers in one place, which improves parental engagement and supports student success.

Introducing SOLVED: One App for Your School

At Solved Consulting, we understand these challenges. That's why we've developed SOLVED—a comprehensive, customizable school app that centralizes all communication and resources in one place.

Key Features of SOLVED

  • Unified Communication: Access grades, assignments, behavior reports, and teacher messages all within one app.
  • Simplified Logins: One username and password for all school-related platforms.
  • Real-Time Updates: Receive instant notifications about important announcements, emergencies, and events.
  • Interactive Calendars: Stay informed about school calendars, sports schedules, tryouts, and parent-teacher conferences.
  • Engagement Tools: View your child's work, progress, and classroom activities, fostering deeper engagement.

By consolidating multiple platforms into one user-friendly app, we eliminate confusion and streamline parental involvement.

Watch this video to learn more about the app.

The Research Supports a Unified Approach

Implementing a centralized communication tool like SOLVED aligns with educational research:

  • Enhanced Parental Engagement: Kraft and Rogers (2015) found that proactive communication improves student behavior and effort.
  • Improved Student Outcomes: Jeynes (2007) demonstrated that increased parental involvement correlates with higher academic achievement.
  • Effective Use of Technology: Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1997) emphasized that parents are more likely to engage when communication is accessible and straightforward.


Navigating multiple apps and platforms shouldn't be an added stress for parents already invested in supporting their child's education. With SOLVED, schools can provide a cohesive and comprehensive hub for all school-related information and engagement.

Let's move towards a more connected and efficient approach to parental involvement. By embracing a unified platform, we can strengthen the partnership between parents, students, and schools—ultimately enhancing student success.

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