Quick, chat-based assignment setup
Scan your entire class in 3 minutes
Accurate, automatic grading
High quality, editable feedback
Available for K-12 Math and ELA
Quick, chat-based assignment setup
Scan your entire class in 3 minutes
Accurate, automatic grading
High quality, editable feedback
Available for K-12 Math and ELA


Effortlessly scan, grade, and provide personalized feedback, saving you hours of grading time.

AI GRADED+ grades student work and provides instant, personalized feedback, freeing teachers to focus on tailored instruction.


Teaching is fulfilling but demanding, especially for middle and high school teachers managing large class sizes. A teacher with six classes of 30 students faces 180 students daily. Providing just one minute of feedback per student would take three extra hours—time that’s hard to find amid lesson planning, parent communication, and administrative tasks.

Feedback is crucial for student success, with research showing that clear, actionable feedback can double learning rates. Yet, heavy teacher workloads make it nearly impossible to provide the feedback students need to thrive.

Save Hours on Grading with your Digital Teaching Assistant



Use your device to scan hand-written student work.



The tool will provide a score for each student's work.



Personalized, editable feedback is generated for every scan.



Send results to Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Classroom with one tap.


GRADED+ assists teachers by providing quick, accurate grades and personalized feedback on handwritten assignments. Use the time saved to plan next instructional steps for your students!

GRADED+ Features

Create Assignment

Name the assignment, select the standard, a rubric, and your class.

Quick Scanning

Easily scan students' hand-written work.

AI-Powered Grading

Leverage advanced to grade assignments based on your selected rubric, just like having a teaching assistant.
Mobile Phone showing a message "Welcome to AI Graded +"Mobile Phone showing the GRADED + chatAI GRADED+ feedback sectionAI GRADED+ scanning sectionPhone showing the google integrations with AI GRADED+AI GRADED+ resukts section
Receive detailed, personalized feedback for each student designed to promote their understanding and learning.

Seamless Integration

Sync graded work with Google Classroom, Slides, & Sheets for streamlined data management.

View History

Easily access and review previously graded assignments within the app, allowing for tracking student progress over time.

Explore the Benefits

Boost Efficiency

SOLVED GRADED+ streamlines the grading process, enabling teachers to assess more work in less time with greater ease.

MEet With Solved

Enhance Learning

SOLVED GRADED+ provides students with quick feedback on their work, helping them understand areas for improvement and enhance their learning.

MEet With Solved

Promote Focus

With handling grading, teachers can dedicate more time to teaching and providing one-on-one support to students.

MEet With Solved

Secure Grading

SOLVED GRADED+ makes grading fair for everyone and keeps student information safe and secure.

MEet With Solved

Boost Efficiency

Enhance Learning

Promote Focus

Secure Grading

Explore the Benefits

Boost Efficiency

SOLVED AI Graded+ helps teachers grade work faster and easier, so they can get through more papers in less time

MEet With Solved

Enhance Learning

SOLVED AI Graded+ gives students quick feedback on their work, helping them understand mistakes and learn better.

MEet With Solved

Promote Focus

With AI taking care of grading, teachers can focus more on teaching and helping students one-on-one.

MEet With Solved

Secure Grading

SOLVED AI Graded+ makes grading fair for everyone and keeps student information safe and secure.

MEet With Solved

GRADED+ Features

Create Assignment

Name the assignment, select the standard, a rubric, and your class."
Create an assignment on the school app

Quick Scanning

Easily scan students' hand-written work.

AI-Powered Grading

Leverage advanced AI to grade assignments based on your selected rubric, just like having a teaching assistant.
Image showing that the student work has been submitted via tehe school app

Personalized Feedback

Receive detailed, personalized feedback for each student designed to promote their understanding and learning.
School App with a summary report with feedback provided by the teacher

Seamless Integration

Sync graded work with Google Classroom, Slides, & Sheets for streamlined data management.
Shool app saving student work in Google Sheet, Google Slides and Google Classroom

View History

Easily access and review previously graded assignments within the app, allowing for tracking student progress over time.
Phone showing previously graded assignments within the app, allowing for tracking student progress over time

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