Data-Focused Professional Development Sessions

At SOLVED, our professional development services are closely integrated with our comprehensive dashboard system, designed to enhance educators' understanding and effective use of data. Our approach not only focuses on familiarizing school personnel with the technical aspects of the dashboard but also on improving their ability to analyze and interpret the data presented. This dual focus ensures that educators can make data-driven decisions that align with their instructional goals, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes. Each professional development session is crafted to provide educators with the tools and strategies they need to maximize the impact of data in their teaching practices.

  • Assessment and data overview: Gather all relevant information on current data and assessment practices, including state assessment, summative assessments, formative assessments, grade-level assessments, and department-wide assessments. Establish roles and stakeholders for data analysis within the school. Develop data goals and priorities with the school leadership team. Facilitate discussions to align assessment practices with instructional goals and ensure consistency across all departments.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Introduction to Your Dashboard
  • Review data privacy policies: Establish best practices to maintain data security protocols. Determine best practices for sharing data across administrators, teachers, vendors, etc. Read through and clarify all data privacy rules. Train admin and school staff on security protocols. Establish technology-enabled permissions criteria. Ensure school-wide knowledge of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Regularly audit data access and sharing practices to ensure compliance with privacy laws and policies.
    Supporting materials: SOLVED’s privacy policy and data security practices available on SOLVED’s website
  • Deep dive on math assessments: Work with math leads to establish best practices for assessments, data collection, data aggregation, and assessment proctoring. Establish data goals, routines, and protocols, including “looking at student work” professional development. Train staff and admin on math-related data dashboard pages. Incorporate strategies for using assessment data to inform instructional adjustments and targeted interventions in math.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 6: NYS Math Performance: Item Skills Analysis by Class
  • Deep dive on ELA assessments: Work with ELA leads to establish best practices for assessments, data collection, data aggregation, and assessment proctoring. Establish data goals, routines, and protocols, including “looking at student work” professional development. Train staff and admin on ELA-related data dashboard pages. Develop action plans to address identified gaps in student performance and support continuous improvement in literacy instruction.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 5: NYS ELA Performance: Item Skills Analysis by Class
  • Train admin and staff on STUDENT+, GRADED+, and PBIS+ data dashboard pages: Track individual student data, hand-written student work (formative assessments), and classroom behavior (positive behaviors). Review current data and establish individualized intervention plans for students. Ensure the integration of these tools into daily instructional practices to enhance data-driven decision-making and student support.
    Supporting materials: Tutorial Videos: Using STUDENT+, GRADED+, and PBIS+
  • Deep dive on “other” assessments: Work with school leads to establish best practices for assessments, data collection, data aggregation, and assessment proctoring. Establish data goals, routines, and protocols, including “looking at student work” professional development. Train staff and admin on assessment-related data dashboard pages. Identify opportunities to leverage these assessments to better support diverse student needs and learning styles.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 10: Individual Student Report: STUDENT+
  • Focus session on students’ written work: Collaborate with ELA and math leads to examine student-written work across various grade levels, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Establish criteria for assessing written work, including rubrics and benchmarks aligned with state standards. Train staff on consistent grading practices and how to use student work as a data point for instructional adjustments. Review exemplary student work to guide instructional planning. Develop strategies for using student writing samples to inform future instruction and to monitor progress over time. Ensure alignment of written work assessments with broader school-wide data goals. Include methods for integrating student feedback into the writing process to foster continuous improvement.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD Course 25: Enhancing Cognitive Engagement: How Handwritten Work Improves Learning
  • Train admin and school staff on all data-related technology: This includes Data Dashboard, CSV files, Excel files, iReady files, NYC DOE ERMA, NYC DOE API data, login, accessibility, and internet-enabled access to data platforms. Ensure all data-related processes are established. Implement regular check-ins to assess technology usage and troubleshoot any issues that may arise, ensuring smooth and effective data management across the school.
  • Review NYS assessment data: Review NYS assessment data for all grades, in ELA and Math, specifically identifying students in each performance level (1 through 4) and establish targets for the upcoming assessments. Review prediction models, including why students are predicted to land in specific performance levels. Review intervention plans to meet targets. Use this data to drive professional development priorities and instructional adjustments to meet the set targets.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 3: NYS ELA Performance: Students by Level & Weekly Data PD: Course 4: NYS Math Performance: Students by Level
  • Deep dive into ELL students: Review all data related to ELL students, including NYSESLAT. Ensure admin and staff know and understand school-wide plans to support ELL students on the general curriculum and NYSESLAT. Develop additional resources and supports to enhance language acquisition and content mastery for ELL students.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 13: NYS ELA Performance: ELL's and students with IEP's & Weekly Data PD: Course 14: NYS Math Performance: ELL's and students with IEP's
  • Deep dive into IEP students: Review all data related to IEP students, including math and reading levels, grade-level proficiency, NYS assessment data, and formative assessments. Ensure admin and staff know and understand school-wide plans to support IEP students on the general curriculum and IEP-specific priorities. Create individualized plans that address the specific needs of each IEP student, focusing on both academic growth and socio-emotional development.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 13: NYS ELA Performance: ELL's and students with IEP's & Weekly Data PD: Course 14: NYS Math Performance: ELL's and students with IEP's
  • Review school-wide attendance data: Review school-wide attendance data, including correlations between attendance data and summative assessment data. Establish attendance categories (i.e., High Risk) and create filters and monitoring tools. Train staff and admin on attendance-related data dashboard pages. Develop strategies to improve attendance rates, particularly for students identified in the high-risk category, and monitor the effectiveness of these interventions.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 9: Attendance: Students at risk of being chronically absent: Fall
  • Determine Math correlations between formative and summative assessments: Determine if students are performing well in one category (i.e., iReady) but not another (i.e., formative assessments) in math. Train staff and admin on math correlation-related data dashboard pages. Use these correlations to refine instructional strategies and provide targeted support where discrepancies are identified.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 12: NYS Math Performance Correlations - Comparing NYS Math and BOY
  • Determine ELA correlations between formative and summative assessments: Determine if students are performing well in one category (i.e., iReady) but not another (i.e., formative assessments) in ELA. Train staff and admin on ELA correlation-related data dashboard pages. Leverage these insights to tailor reading and writing instruction to better meet student needs and close performance gaps.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 11: NYS ELA Performance Correlations - Comparing NYS ELA and BOY
  • Review data dashboard prediction updates for Math NYS assessment scores: Review data dashboard prediction updates for Math NYS assessment scores. Compare the prediction levels of math teachers and admin expectations for student performance. Analyze any discrepancies to determine why students are predicted to perform at certain levels. Ensure that all relevant data is reflected in the prediction levels. Develop and implement interventions that need to be put in place before the NYS assessments to improve student outcomes in math.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 21: NYS Math Performance Correlations - Comparing NYS Math and MOY
  • Review data dashboard prediction updates for ELA NYS assessment scores: Review data dashboard prediction updates for ELA NYS assessment scores. Compare the prediction levels of ELA teachers and admin expectations for student performance. Examine any inconsistencies to understand the factors influencing predicted performance levels. Verify that all necessary data is considered in these predictions. Plan and apply targeted interventions before the NYS assessments to enhance student performance in ELA.
    Supporting materials: Weekly Data PD: Course 22: NYS ELA Performance Predictions 2024